Slow Down and Rise Up: Why Getting the New Year Off to a Slow Start Is a Good Idea

Discover this powerful self-leadership tool


Mindfully take your time.

We’re four days into the new year, and as usual we’re gearing up for a bigger, better year. I certainly am. I love fresh starts.

Whether you’ve made resolutions, set goals, or you’ve simply got back to action after the holidays — one word is on most people’s mind — GO! It’s a new beginning and in order to start, we have to go. It’s a useful, motivating word when you want to start anything. However, I have another one to add to it — SLOWLY. Yes, GO, but take your time; GO SLOWLY.

Slowing down is highly underrated. Enthusiasm is great, but if we rush into all our new plans for 2023, chances are we’ll get tired very quickly, and we won’t implement them properly. Many are still burnt out from the past year. Many burn out in the first months of a new year.

Slowing down doesn’t need to mean putting your plans on hold. In fact some of the most effective ways to slow down are in our daily habits. Slowing down in this way helps us be more present, more efficient and productive. Those few seconds we might gain as we rush around from one task to the next could actually lose us more in the long run.

  • Slow down when eating. Improve your digestion and enjoy your food.

  • Slow down when reading. Absorb the content better.

  • Slow down when entering a room. Create a strong first impression.

  • Slow down when driving and parking. Get it right the first time.

  • Slow down when having a shower. Enjoy those few minutes of privacy and relaxation.

  • Slow down when doing anything you enjoy. Be mindful of the moment.

Slowing down is also one of the easiest ways to improve your communication skills without doing anything else, and here’s why.

Slow down when speaking

  • People will understand you better.

  • You will have time to think before you speak and choose your words and your tone carefully.

  • You will feel calmer and be in better control of your breath and body language.

  • You will feel and appear more confident, and be taken more seriously.

  • You’ll remember your conversation better.

Slow down when listening

Take time to listen to people properly, not just with one ear. Stop multi-tasking. Give them your full attention. Face them, make eye contact, and put away your phone. Read their expressions and body language.

  • People will enjoy communicating with you.

  • People will trust you more and open up to you.

  • You will learn more about people.

  • You will form better relationships.

  • You will be more aware of how you communicate yourself.

Notice when you’re inclined to interrupt, and then slow down and wait. You will get and give a better response that way.

Slow down when writing

  • You will have time to think before you write and choose your words and your style carefully.

  • You will be less likely to write something you’ll regret later — especially on social media.

  • You’ll make fewer spelling and grammatical errors.

  • Your writing will be more professional or heartfelt.

  • You’ll be more confident about what you write.

Slowing down is a powerful self-leadership tool. Taking your time instead of rushing in is a way to better view, plan and manage the road ahead — be that an important future conversation, a new fitness regime, or career change. This is your reminder. Slow down and rise up in 2023.

Happy slow new year!

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